23, 24, 25th January 2009 at Hotel Fortune Manohar, Hyderabad Tel No 9490295027 pinjala@hotmail.com
Venous disorders are now getting the attention from the experts in different medical specialities.Thrombosis, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, recurrent infections, ulcerations are some of the common presentations. The recurrent nature of the venous disease is perturbing and expensive too for the patients

Venous therapies need multipronged approach to improve the quality of life, stop recurrent nature of the disease with minimal morbidity and expenditure. Please make it possible to attend VAICON 2009 in Hyderabad in Jan 2009.

Is it necessary to follow these patients after the surgery, if so how often it is needed to do so?
Usually we follow these patients for 2 to 3 months depending on the clinical status. If the clinical condition is good without residual neurological deficits we attach them to their family doctors for regular follow up and neck scanning once in a year.
22nd October 2008
This gentleman noticed a pulsatile swelling in the elbow region few days after a splinter injury to the elbow at work place.
What is the diagnosis?
What should be done?
Recurrent attacks of swelling and discolouration, small ulcerations which fail to heal with the usual measures, antibiotics is common in patients with venous insufficiency of moderate to severe grade. Indian women who are in middle age ( >40 yrs) with past history of venous thrombosis are at greater risk of developing these problems and asked to wear stocking constantly during the day time to facilitate venous drainage and prevent the venous stasis. Venous insufficiency may associated with residual obstruction, venous reflux or both. Reflux in the superficial veins can be managed by different types of ablative therapies, but the deep venous reflux and obstruction are still the limiting factors in the routine clinical practice.
Pinjala R K