Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pulsatile mass in the right submandibular region reported as Aneurysm in MRI

13 month old baby was admitted with pain, right facial palsy, pulsatile mass in the right submandibular region. M R Angiogram was done in the peripheral hospital and it was reported as aneurysm from a branch of the external carotid artery. There was blood discharge from the right ear and baby was not allowing to clean it. So, it was thought that the aneurysm ruptured in to the ear. This patient was given a course of antibiotics and Spiral CT angiogram was done. It did show the communication with the aneurysm and the swelling slowly started regression with antibiotics.Pulsations in the mass disappeared. Patient was discharged with antibiotics and advised to atttend the ENT clinic for the future management of septic complications.