Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Reinfection of Covid-19


The corona virus information is exploding in the media. Some are talking about 2nd wave, others predicting the 3rd wave of infection. They are comparing the Indian data with the other countries such as USA and European countries. We are also hearing about the infection after successful 2 dose vaccination and previous covid-19 infection. The common question is why they are getting the re-infection again after one infection or vaccination. It is also puzzling to see re-infection after getting adequate antibodies after vaccination and first infection. One consolation is that not many of them are requiring hospitalization, oxygen therapy and ventilation support. Vaccines are not cent percent protective. Virus mutation is one explanation, breech in the protection measures is the other explanation given by the experts for the rapid spread of 2nd wave. In the first wave we did not hear that members in family circles got infected, but the in the second wave are hearing that someone known to us, close to us are got infected and in home quarantine. We are also and knowing about the deaths in families known to us. Both middle aged ( 18-45 years) and those above 60 years are in this list. RT PCR test is dependable for diagnosis of Covid-19, but it is negative initially in some of those with all the symptoms of Covid-19 disease. A repeat RT PCR test after 3-4 days is turning out to be positive. The CT(cycle threshold) values are ranging from 16 to 25. After 10 days are CT values are dropping and becoming normal. Few people are requiring advanced therapies and steroids. However there is crazy demand for Remdesivir, tocilizumab injections and some are arguing that it should be used early though there is no supportive evidence. The views are rapidly changing and the mad rush for oxygen therapy is getting stabilized.

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